New SimpleKPI Help Center

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SimpleKPI Icon By Stuart Kinsey

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SimpleKPI Help Center

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We believe effectively supporting users is more than just a nice-to-have—it’s critical to any successful software solution. Nothing frustrates users more than hitting roadblocks. Whether it’s a technical glitch or a lack of understanding, timely assistance prevents frustration, keeps our users engaged, and benefits from their KPI tracking with minimal fuss. When users know how to leverage SimpleKPI capabilities, they extract maximum value. This is crucially important to us not just for our adoption rate but because we want users to love using our system.

Today, we are introducing our new Help Center. We’ve listened to feedback from our user base to understand what they expect and demand from our support, and we have expanded our help center to cover more specific topics, more videos, a more comprehensive learning experience, and a state-of-the-art AI chatbot.

We understand that the faster users learn how to use SimpleKPI, and the shorter the learning curve, the more likely they are to embrace it and start benefiting from their KPI tracking. Proper guidance ensures that they explore all features, leading to better performance and better adoption rates for SimpleKPI.

Now, let’s dive into the key areas of our new help center.

Knowledge Base and Video Tutorials

Our knowledge base is a treasure trove of information. From basic concepts to advanced techniques, users can find answers to their questions. Here’s what it offers:

SimpleKPI Knowledge Base

Video Tutorials: Bite-sized videos walk users through every feature. Whether it’s creating custom dashboards, setting up alerts, or analyzing trends, these tutorials empower users to become KPI masters.

Real-time FAQ Updates

The FAQ section is a dynamic resource. It’s not just a static list of common questions; it adapts to user needs.


Real-time Updates: As new questions arise, they are automatically filtered and then selected for the FAQ. Users benefit from collective wisdom and stay informed about the latest features and fixes.

Academy: Learning Made Easy

Our academy is like a virtual classroom. Users can enroll in courses tailored to their needs.

Here’s what they’ll find:

Video Courses: Engaging video courses cover topics like KPI selection, data visualization, and performance analysis. Interactive quizzes ensure comprehension.

Questionnaires: Assessments help users gauge their understanding. They can track progress and revisit concepts as needed.

Dedicated Security Section

Security matters, especially when dealing with sensitive data. Our dedicated security section covers the following:

  1. SimpleKPI Security: Learn about encryption, access controls, and data protection measures.
  2. Hosting and Backups: Understand where your data resides and how we safeguard it.
  3. Access Security: Explore authentication options and best practices for user access.
  4. AI Chat Assistant: Your 24/7 Helper

    Meet our AI chat assistant! Available round the clock, it’s like having a knowledgeable colleague at your fingertips.
    Here’s what it does:

    1. Instant Answers: Users can ask anything—from basic queries to complex scenarios. The chat assistant provides accurate responses promptly.
    2. Troubleshooting: Got an issue? Describe it, and the chat assistant will guide you through solutions.


At SimpleKPI, our commitment goes beyond software development. We are dedicated to empowering users, enhancing their skills, and driving success. Whether you are a seasoned analyst or a first-time user, our help center ensures that you make the most of SimpleKPI. If there is anything you think we could add or if anything has been overlooked, please let us know.

Stuart Kinsey portrait

by Stuart Kinsey

Stuart Kinsey writes on Key Performance Indicators, Dashboards, Marketing, and Business Strategy. He is a co-founder of SimpleKPI and has worked in creative and analytical services for over 25 years. He believes embracing KPIs and visualizing performance is essential for any organization to strive and grow.

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